x home __

welcome to my new site =)
new host, new layouts, new everything .. enjoy! xoxo
::update list ..

x0. may 31 03 - updated the page for CDs, made a page for MP3s and a page for contact. hope to get up a page for music by the end of the time i'm working on this today.

-started up a site for links, got the page for creations up. there's only two real broken links still on the site, i'll start those two pages as soon as i can. xoxo

x0. may 06 03 - made a page for CDs. but unfortunately there's no link to it yet. i shoot for this site to be done by .. i give it at most until the end of june. sorry it's taking so long :X

x0. apr 24 03 - i'm trying to work on this as much as possible to get it done, but i still have a lot more work to do with it. the site for "basics" is up and running, as well as the site for "currents". by the end of the day i want to have the whole page for "girl" complete. keep checking back kids, and guestbook entries are lovely ;D
- page for "girl" complete :D

x0. apr 17 03 - i've had my site for "girl" made for awhile now. still a work in progress. added some new fanlistings. gonna work some more ..

x0. apr 05 03 - new site for fanlistings/cliques. since it's pretty important that i have them linked and i don't have a page for me yet, i'm going to have the link up here. go to the sites if you're interested :D .. and check back, i'm trying to work on this as much as possible, but until i get my digital camera and enough free time, it won't be that often.

x0. apr 04 03 - nothing new on the site. graphics are down for some reason, so i'll see if i can fix that. if i can't, i'll be so mad ah. check back soon for updates.

x0. apr 02 03 - page for writing created. all of my poems are posted as well as the main page for the poems. new guestbook on homepage and counter on main page. site still has some major work that needs to be done ..

x0. mar 28 03 - began building on site .. new graphics, new main page, new home page ..

x navagation*
